Doncaster Community Stable Glaucoma Monitoring Service
A service is now running in Doncaster where Glaucoma patients attending the hospital that are considered to be stable can be seen in...
Are all Varifocals the same ?
A frequently asked question within the busy practice is 'Why are some varifocals more expensive than others ?'. The simple answer to that...
Dispelling the Cataract Myth
Patients can frequently be seen in practice and have attended an eye examination because they experience a blurring/haziness/loss of...
How can I clean my glasses ?
One of the most commonly heard questions within the opticians practice is ' How can I clean my glasses?'. Patients use a variety of...
Advances in Ocular Gene Therapy
Congratulations to Prof Robert MacLaren and his team of research scientists in Oxford who this week announced success in partially...